God’s Word Today w/Minister Anthony Smith

This Podcast is geared towards spreading the Word of God, giving you the Promises of God, and preaching/teaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Keeping in mind that there is no other named to be saved by than that of Jesus Christ and His shed blood.

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Tuesday May 04, 2021

Today's episode comes from Psalm 147 and I want to encourage the people of God to open up and praise God. When you look around you'll actually find that you have more to praise God for than to complain about.

The Dying Church Rev. 3:1-6

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021

Today's episode deals with the Church at Sardis which like the church at Laodecia thought they had a name for themselves thought they lived yet they were dead. Just like the Laodecians they were met with a stiff reproof but they too were given a chance to repent.

Friday Mar 12, 2021

A heads up on what's to come. Prayer: Daily conversation with God is what I'll be presenting for the next five days.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021

This Psalm encourages us to worship and praise God. The one who has made us. It outlines how we should enter into His gates and into his courts and how we should come before Him

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021

This Psalm encourages us to worship and praise God. The one who has made us. It outlines how we should enter into His gates and into his courts and how we should come before Him

Devine Direction

Saturday Nov 14, 2020

Saturday Nov 14, 2020

Devine direction is today's topic and is part of a 7 part series with scriptures for part 1 of this series coming from 2 Corinthians 5:17, Isaiah 62:4, Ephesians 4:22-24, and Isaiah 43:18-19

Friday Jul 10, 2020

Dealing with the Church at Ephesus that had many good things going for them. But along the way they lost there first love and had to be reminded to repent or else Christ would come quickly.

Friday Jul 10, 2020

The Church that made God sick deals with self conceit, over evaluation of self thinking you have more than you have when in reality you're poor, miserable, and wretched. But as bad as it seems Christ has the answer

Sunday Jun 21, 2020

Dealing with the Church at Ephesus that had many good things going for them. But along the way they lost there first love and had to be reminded to repent or else Christ would come quickly.

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