God’s Word Today w/Minister Anthony Smith

This Podcast is geared towards spreading the Word of God, giving you the Promises of God, and preaching/teaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Keeping in mind that there is no other named to be saved by than that of Jesus Christ and His shed blood.

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Friday Nov 24, 2023

Today's word for the day comes from Psalm 107:1 encourgaging us in all things to vgive thanks regardless of the circumstance or situation because God's love is there and God is good all the time and, all the time God is good.

Thursday Nov 02, 2023

This episode is an invitation to praise God coming from Psalm 150. First it tells us where to praise God. Then, it tells us what to praise God for. Then, it tells us what to praise God with. But, the last part is what I like. It tells us who should praise God. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

Wednesday May 31, 2023

Today we look at two scriptures 1 Peter 4:3 and 1 Timothy 6:11 as we talk about Keeping the faith and Godly Pursuits

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022

In today's episode I talk about the power of the tongue and use and misuse of the tongue. James give examples of how the use of the tongue can tear down but also how proper use of the tongue can build up and encourage. So I leave you with this question, how are you using your tongue?

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022

In the episode I revisit Revelation 3:14-22 dealing with the church of Laodicea and there Self-conceit and Self-Deceit in hopes of getting us to realize how we look at ourselves is different than how the True Witness views us.

Wednesday May 26, 2021

This episode is the first of many dealing w/ The Seven Churches.

Thursday May 20, 2021

Taking a look at Acts 2:1-13 What happened on the day of Pentecost. We celebrate Christmas as a way welcoming the Savor in the world, we Celebrate Easter to commemorate his rising from the grave. So why do we neglect Pentecost?

Thursday May 13, 2021

This is part of prologue of John's vision of Jesus coming from Revelation 1:13-20.

Wednesday May 05, 2021

This is part 1 of 2 parts to John's vision of Jesus in leading to the letters to the seven churches.

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